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Media outreach


New article by Daria Kravets-Meinke in ZoiS magazine

In it, she describes the development of Yandex and how the former start-up was taken over by the Kremlin. https://www.zois-berlin.de/en/publications/zois-spotlight/the-sad-fate-of-yandex-from-independent-tech-startup-to-kremlin-propaganda-tool

Interview with Arista Beseler on rnd.de

RUSINFORM researcher and doctoral student Arista Beseler gave an interview to RedaktionsNetzwerkDeutschland (RND) about Russian propaganda. 

Spieker, G. G. (2024, 18 May). Sprachrohr des Kremls: Warum verbreiten „alternative Medien“ russische Propaganda, Frau Beseler? (in German) www.rnd.de. https://www.rnd.de/digital/russische-propaganda-wie-erkennt-man-sie-in-alternativen-medien-GCV446AKUFB3PBRZBYMII4O6VA.html

Prof Toepfl on the European Journal of the radio station OE1

Prof Florian Toepfl was interviewed for the Europajournal of the Austrian radio station OE1. Among other things, the programme deals with disinformation and foreign information attacks. You can listen to the programme here (in German): https://sound.orf.at/podcast/oe1/oe1-europa-journal/europajournal-desinformation-deutschland-griechenland

Serge Poliakoff provides expert commentary for Novaya Gazeta Europe

Sokolova, A. (2024, May 8). Нейросети — за Путина. ВК населяют десятки тысяч ботов, которые хвалят власти и ругают Запад. Об этом знает руководство соцсети, но не мешает им работать. Визуальное исследование «Новой-Европа» [Neural networks are in favour of Putin - VK is populated by tens of thousands of bots that praise the authorities and curse the West. The social network's management is aware of this, but does not prevent them from working. Visual research by Nova-Europe] (in Russian) Novaya Gazeta Evropahttps://novayagazeta.eu/articles/2024/05/08/neiroseti-za-putina

Interview with Arista Beseler on Dekoder

On March 4, 2024 an interview about her and Florian Toepfl's new article on german alternative media and russian propaganda was published.

You will find the interview here (in German): https://www.dekoder.org/de/article/deutsche-alternativmedien-russische-propaganda

Serge Poliakoff in Novaya Gazeta Evropa

Sokolova, A., Kovalëv, S., Vasil’yev, G., & Orlova, K. (2024, February 16). Vselennaya Z. Telegram stal vazhnoy ploshchadkoy dlya rossiyskoy propagandy.  [Z Universe. Telegram has become an important platform for Russian propaganda] (in Russian). Novaya Gazeta Evropa. https://novayagazeta.eu/articles/2024/02/16/vselennaia-z


Issue of "epd medien"related to the media conference "Error 404 - Truth not found, trust lost"

The professional service "epd medien" has dedicated its issue no. 40/2023 to the event "Error 404 - Truth not found, trust lost" at the Medienanstalt Hessen in Frankfurt on 13 June 2023, in which also Prof. Toepfl took part. You can find the issue here: forum-medienzukunft.de/2023/presse-echo/. 

Comment of Serge Poliakoff about Pavel Prigozhin

Rainey, Sarah (8 October 2023). "Who is Pavel Prigozhin – the 25-year-old who has inherited the Wagner group and its fortune?" Article in The Telegraph with a comment of Serge Poliakoff. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/10/08/who-is-pavel-prigozhin/

Study of the Chair mentioned in Financial Times in August 2023

The study "Mapping the website and mobile app audiences of Russia’s foreign communication outlets, RT and Sputnik, across 21 countries" by Julia Kling, Florian Toepfl, Neil Thurman and Richard Fletcher has been cited in this Financial Times (FT) article: https://www.ft.com/content/4a94ab62-b961-4c0b-8838-bd0df05c6429 .

In the article, Tony Barber analyzes the effectiveness of the Kremlin's propaganda both inside and outside of Russia. He finds that, especially under conditions of Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine, the propaganda appears to be less effective tthan the Russian regime "would surely like".

Reference to the study:

Kling, J., Toepfl, F., Thurman, N., & Fletcher, R. (2022). Mapping the website and mobile app audiences of Russia’s foreign communication outlets, RT and Sputnik, across 21 countries. Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) Misinformation Review3(6). https://doi.org/10.37016/mr-2020-110

Interview about Prigozhin

Vaittinen, Hanna (updated 24 June 2023). Interview with Serge Poliakoff (in finnish) on MTV Uutiset, Helsinki, Finland. https://www.mtvuutiset.fi/artikkeli/jevgeni-prigozhin-nain-vangista-ja-hotdog-kauppiaasta-tuli-julman-palkka-armeijan-johtaja-ja-putinin-liittolainen/8636100

Presentation by Prof. Toepfl at the conference forum-medienzukunft 2023 in Frankfurt

On 13 June 2023, Prof. Toepfl gave a lecture on Russian foreign communication and its channels of influence at the media conference forum-medienzukunft 2023 in Frankfurt.

Presentation by Prof. Toepfl at forum-medienzukunft 2023 (in German):

"The goal is destabilisation - On the facets of Russian foreign communication and its channels of influence"

Organisation: Media Project Centre Open Channel - MOK Rhein-Main, Offenbach

This link will take you to the lecture (in German): https://www.mediathek-hessen.de/medienview_30039_MOK-Rhein-Main-Offenbach-forum-medienzukunft-2023-.html

Press reviews about the lecture:



https://background.tagesspiegel.de/cybersecurity/manipulation-in-medien-experte-plaediert-fuer-mutige-regeln (registration requested)

RT’s and Sputnik’s website and mobile app reach

In the quarter prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the reach of two Russian foreign communication outlets, RT and Sputnik, via their websites and mobile apps differed substantially across 21 countries and between both outlets. According to current monthly data, though, neither outlet reached more than 5% of the digital populations in any of the countries. Julia Kling, Florian Töpfl – bidt digital Blog, 25.01.2023

Kling, J. & Toepfl, F. (2023, January 25). RT’s and Sputnik’s website and mobile app reach. Bayerisches Forschungsinstitut für Digitale Transformation.


The Kremlin's propaganda and the consequences for the population

In an interview with t-online.de, Prof. Dr Florian Töpfl talks about the worrying features that the statements of the propagandists are taking on and the impact on the Russian population.

Under the following link you will find the video of the interview (in German): Putins Staatssender | Experte: Das passiert hinter den Kulissen des russischen TV (t-online.de)

Interview with Professor Toepfl on the news website "dekoder - decoding Russia"

The Grimme Award-winning Russian-language news website "dekoder - decoding Russia" has published an interview with Prof. Dr. Florian Toepfl. In the article, he explains what distinguishes Russian propaganda, what strategies it pursues, how the results of recent opinion polls in Russia can be interpreted - and why many people living in Russia are inclined to accept the lies and narratives of propaganda for themselves.

The interview can be accessed at the following link 

Interview about Russian Propaganda Tactics

PI Prof Dr Florian Toepfl was interviewed by German public service broadcaster ZDF about Russian propaganda strategies concerning the media coverage about the war against Ukraine.

As he stated, “A variety of narratives are disseminated, some of which contradict each other“, highlighting Russia’s strategy of creating confusion for targeted audiences.

You can find the full article (in German) here:  https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/politik/propaganda-falschinformationen-ukraine-krieg-russland-100.html.


This project is affiliated with the Chair of Political Communication with a Focus on Eastern Europe and the Post-Soviet Region.

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