Conference presentations
- Toepfl, F., Beseler, A., Kling, J., Kravets-Meinke, D., Poliakoff, S., & Ryzhova, A. (2024). The Kremlin’s foreign propaganda network: Consequences of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine [Conference presentation]. ECREA 2024 Pre-Conference: The Informational Influence of Autocracies Abroad, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 23.
- Kravets, D., Meinert, A., Jungblut, M., & Toepfl, F. (2024). Language of law or language of imperialism? How the Kremlin justifies the full-scale invasion of Ukraine across the eight language editions of its foreign broadcaster RT [Conference presentation]. ECREA 2024, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 24–27.
- Ryzhova, A. & Toepfl, F. 2024. “Being a journalist? It's very dangerous both there and here”: How russian speaking migrants deploy authoritarian folk theories about news media literacy to make sense of democratic news environments [Conference presentation]. ECREA 2024, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 24–27.
- Beseler, A., Kravets, D., Toepfl, F., & Kling, J. (2024). Where Debunkers, Putin Sympathizers, and Anti-Vaxxers Meet – An Analysis of Highly-Active Commenters on RT German’s Facebook Page. Presentation at the 6th Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media (MISDOOM). 02-04 September 2024, Münster.
- Kling, J. (2024). Studying the Distribution of Pro-Kremlin Propaganda on Facebook: How Russia’s News Ecosystem Changed since Russia's Full-scale Invasion of Ukraine. Presentation at the IRSEM-EUROPE event "Information Warfare and Foreign Interference" at IRSEM-EUROPE, 28 May 2024, Brussels, Belgium.
- Kling, J. & Poliakoff, S. (2024). Kling, J. & Poliakoff, S. (2024). Propaganda Amplification on Social Networking Sites: How Russia's News Ecosystem Changed on Facebook since Russia's Full-scale Invasion of Ukraine. Vortrag auf der 19th Annual Doctoral Conference 2024 (Re)searching Power Emerging approaches across Disciplines"at the Central European University (CEU), 19th of April 2024, Vienna, Austria.
- Toepfl, F. (2024). Entertainment Interspersed With Propaganda: How Non-News Accounts Deliver Explicitly Political Content to Mass Audiences on Russia’s Most Popular Social Network VK. Online lecture at the Media Studies Group of the British Political Studies Association. 16 April 2024, London, Great Britain.
- Kling, J. (2024). Russia’s News Ecosystem on Facebook since Russia's Fullscale Invasion of Ukraine. Vortrag auf dem Uppsala Forum workshop "Media, War and (National) Identity: The Changing Notions of the National Self in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Caucasus, and Eurasia" Institute for Russian and Eurasian Studies (IRES), Department of Media and Communication, 11. April 2024, Uppsala, Schweden.
- Poliakoff, S. (2024). Decline of the Private Propaganda Factory: Yevgeny Prigozhin's Patriot Media Group as an Example of the Decay of the Journalistic Profession in Russia. Presentation at the Uppsala Forum workshop "Media, War and (National) Identity: The Changing Notions of the National Self in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Caucasus, and Eurasia" at the Institute for Russian and Eurasian Studies (IRES), Department of Media and Communication, 11th of April 2024, Uppsala, Sweden.
- Poliakoff, S. (2024). The Downfall of Private Propaganda Factory: Organisational Behaviour of Yevgeny Prigozhin’s Patriot Media Group. Presentation at the BASEES Annual Conference 2024, April 5-7, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
- Toepfl, F. (2024). Perspectives on Disinformation. Online talk as part of a roundtable under the title "New Research Approaches to Disinformation" organised by the think tank Chatham House, London. 21 March 2024, London, Great Britain.
- Toepfl, F. (2023). Russia's Foreign Propaganda: Russian Speakers as a Target Group. Presentation at the annual conference of the Sir Peter Ustinov Institute for Combating Prejudice at the University of Vienna, 24 November 2023, Vienna, Austria.
- Kling, J. (2023). "How Russia's Full-scale Invasion of Ukraine Changed the Distribution of Russia’s Domestic News Content on Facebook". Presentation at the ZOiS Annual Conference, PechaKucha Night at ZOiS, 16 November 2023, Berlin, Germany.
- Kravets-Meinke, D. (2023). "Yandex's Top-5 News Algorithms as a Resource of Russia's Propaganda". Presentation at the ZOiS Annual Conference, PechaKucha Night at ZOiS, 16 November 2023, Berlin, Germany.
- Poliakoff, S. (2023). "Propaganda Factory: Organisational Behaviour of Yevgeny Prigozhin’s Patriot Media Group". Presentation at the ZOiS Annual Conference, PechaKucha Night at ZOiS, 16 November 2023, Berlin, Germany.
- Kling, J. (2023). Propaganda in the Guise of Entertainment: How Non-News Accounts Disseminate Kremlin Propaganda to Mass Audiences on Russia’s Social Network VKontakte.Presentation at the Aleksanteri Conference 2023 "Decolonizing Space in the Global East", 25-27 October 2023, Helsinki, Finland.
- Poliakoff, S. (2023). The CVs of the Propaganda Workers at Russia’s Internet Research Agency: Socio-demographics, Tasks, and Career Paths (2013-2021). Presentation at the Aleksanteri Conference 2023 "Decolonizing Space in the Global East", 25-27 October 2023, Helsinki, Finland.
- Kravets-Meinke, D., Ryzhova, A. & Toepfl, F. (2023). The Kremlin-Controlled Search Engine Yandex as a Resource for Russia’s Informational Influence in Belarus During the COVID-19 Pandemic. AoIR2023 (2023 Association of Internet Researchers Conference), 18.-21. Oktober 2023, Philadelphia, USA.
- Kravets-Meinke, D. (2023). Auditing Yandex’s Top News Algorithms in Belarus. 9th Annual Conference of the International Journal of Press/Politics, 12.-13. Oktober 2023, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
- Beseler, A., & Töpfl, F. (2023). Channels for the Kremlin's information influence abroad? How German-language alternative media are linked to Russia's ruling elites (in German). Presentation at the 2nd Science Conference of the German domestic intelligence services (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz). 05-06 September, Berlin.
- Toepfl, F. (2023). "The goal is destabilisation - On the facets of Russian foreign communication and its channels of influence". Presentation at the media conference forum-medienzukunft 2023, 13 of June, Frankfurt.
- Glazunova, S., Dehghan, E., Ryzhova, A., Bruns, A., Montaña-Niño, S., Beseler, A. (2023). Deplatforming RT and Sputnik during the Russia-Ukraine war: A policy implementation audit in 10 countries. Presentation at the International Communication Association (ICA), 25- 29 of May, Toronto, Canada.
- Kling, J., Toepfl, F., & Jürgens, P. (2023). How Non-news Accounts Disseminate Kremlin Propaganda on Russia‘s Social Network Vkontakte. Presentation at the International Communication Association (ICA), 25- 29 of May, Toronto, Canada.
- Kling, J., Toepfl, F., & Jürgens, P. (2023). Escaping the News but not the Kremlin‘s Propaganda on Russia‘s Social Network Vkontakte. Presentation at the International Communication Association (ICA), 25- 29 of May, Toronto, Canada.
- Poliakoff, S. & Toepfl, F. (2023). The CVs of the Kremlin’s Trolls: Demographics, Skills, and Career Paths of the Internet Research Agency’s Work Force. Presentation at the International Communication Association (ICA), 25- 29 of May, Toronto, Canada.
- Ryzhova, A. & Toepfl, F. (2023). Drawing on “facts,” “feeling right,” and the “sixth sense”: How Russian speakers in Germany seek truth in their transnational news environments. Presentation at the International Communication Association (ICA), 25- 29 of May, Toronto, Canada
- Toepfl, F. (2023). "The Kremlin's Informational Influence in Germany: Channels and Target Groups". Presentation at the Symposium "Democracy in Danger" at Neuburg Castle, 5 of May, Neuburg am Inn.
- Poliakoff, S. (24 March 2023). "How the Wagner group is being glorified by Russian media, film, music and social media." Presentation at The International Public and Political Communication (IPPC) Conference at the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom.
- Toepfl, F. (15 February 2023). New Data? Possibilities and Limits of ‚Unusual‘ Data for Research on Conflict and Cooperation. Invited talk at the meeting of the research network “Conflict and Kooperation in Eastern Europe”, coordinated by the Centre for East European and International Studies (ZoiS), Berlin.
- Kling, Julia. (Nov. 2022). "The Online Audiences of Russia’s Domestic News Outlets Abroad: How Social Networks Function as Transmission Channels of Authoritarian News to Foreign Audiences", Konferenzvortrag auf der Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), Dublin, Ireland, 2.-5. November 2022.
- Poliakoff, S. & Toepfl, F. (Oct. 2022). Reconstructing the History of the “Internet Research Agency” as an Organization. Aleksanteri Conference 2022 "The New Era of Insecurity", 2022, October 26-28, Helsinki, Finland.
- Toepfl, Florian. (Sept. 2022). "Der Krieg und die (sozialen) Medien", public lecture at University of Muenster, 27 June 2022, and invited keynote talk at the Sprint review of the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation, Munich, 14 September 2022.
- Toepfl, Florian. (Aug. 2022). "Mapping Three Types of Authoritarian Public Spheres Across the Globe: A Novel Data Set and Exploratory Analysis of 64 Cases", workshop presentation (with Laura Alvarez) at Leibniz-Institute for East- and Southeast European Studies (IOS), Regensburg, 18 August 2022.
- Toepfl, Florian. (May 2022). "The consequences of platforms featuring ties with Russia’s authoritarian elites for transnational information flows", conference presentation at the International Communication Association (ICA) in Paris, 30 May 2022.
- Toepfl, Florian. (May 2022). "How misinformation as accessed through Google varies with input language and geolocation: A comparison of Covid-19 conspiracy narratives retrieved from five countries in response to Russian- versus English-language queries", conference presentation (with Anna Ryzhova, Daria Kravets and Arista Beseler) at the International Communication Association (ICA) in Paris, 29 May 2022.
- Toepfl, Florian. (Mar 2022). “Putins Medien – Putins Krieg“, invited public lecture at LMU Munich, 9 March 2022.
- Toepfl, Florian. (Mar 2022). „Russlands informationeller Einfluss im Ausland: Zehn Schlaglichter auf die kommunikationswissenschaftliche Forschung“, invited talk, Out-of-the box seminar, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 9 March 2022.
- Beseler, Arista. (Feb 2022). "Die Interaktion mit russischen Auslandsmedien online: das aktive Publikum von RT DE", video presentation at the doctoral workshop as part of the 67th annual conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK), online, 22-24 February 2022.
- Kling, Julia. (July 2022). "Mapping the Global Audiences of Russia’s Domestic News: How Social Networks Function as Transmitters of Authoritarian News to Foreign Audiences", conference presentation at the Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), online, 11-15 July 2022.
- Kling, Julia. (Nov. 2022). "The Online Audiences of Russia’s Domestic News Outlets Abroad: How Social Networks Function as Transmission Channels of Authoritarian News to Foreign Audiences", conference presentation at the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), Dublin, Ireland, 2-5 November 2022.
- Kravets, Daria. (May 2022). "Search engines as ‘globalizing machines’: International news flow through Google during the 2020 Belarusian election", conference presentation at the International Communication Association (ICA), Paris, 31 May 2022.
- Kravets, Daria (Jan 2021). Search Engines and Foreign Influence: Google as a Mediator of Russian Influence during the 2020 Belarusian Presidential Election. PolComm Research Workshop REEE-Series. Online.
- Toepfl, Florian. (June 2021). "Warum tolerieren Autokraten kritische Medien?
Eine neue Theorie nicht-demokratischer Öffentlichkeit und empirische Befunde aus der postsowjetischen Region", invited talk at Graduiertenschule für Ost- und Südosteuropastudien, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, 17 June 2021. - Ryzhova, Anna (June 2021). Strategic narratives and public diplomacy in the Russian news media portrayal of Sweden: the case of Russia Today. Presentation at the Fifth Annual Tartu Conference on Russian and East European Studies, 6th to 8th of June, Tartu, Estonia.
- Ryzhova, Anna (Oct. 2021). Transnational News Repertoires in times of Conflict: How Russian Speakers in Germany Navigate News Media Landscapes. Annual Aleksanteri Conference, 27-29 October 2021, Helsinki, Finland
- Toepfl, Florian. (Nov. 2020). "Digital Publics as Authoritarian Input Institutions. How Digital Criticism Contributes to the Stabilization of Non-democratic Rule", invited talk at Diginomics Brownbag Seminar Series, Universität Bremen, Bremen, 23 November 2020.
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